Keith Palmer

Papers on Public Private Partnerships

Contract issues and financing in PPP/PFI. Do we need the 'F' in DBFO?
2002 commissioned report and presentation to IPPR Commission on Public Private Partnerships. The paper explores the strengths and weaknesses of Design-Build-Operate (DBO) and Design-Build-Finance-Operate (DBFO) forms of PPP. Available on request.

Better, faster approaches to PPP/PFI
2002, presentation to several UK government departments. The paper analyses the strengths and weaknesses of alternative PPP structures to conventional PFI. Available on request.

The Role of Incentives in the GB rail industry
Report for the Office of Rail Regulation by CEPA, authors Keith Palmer and David Newbery, July 2006. The paper described a framework for financing and regulating Network Rail which would permit the progressive reduction and eventual elimination of the government guarantee of its debt. The proposals in the paper were subsequently accepted by the ORR.
Download 'The Role of Incentives in the GB rail industry' paper (pdf 0.29mb)

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